Uttarakhand Nurses Midwives Council

Government Of Uttarakhand

e-District Project

Districts are the de facto front-end of government where most Government-to-Consumer or G2C interaction takes place. The eDistrict project was conceptualized to improve this experience and enhance the efficiencies of the various Departments at the district-level to enable seamless service delivery to the citizen. Now e-District project was renamed into “Apuni Sarkar”.


Front-ends under the scheme, in the form of citizen facilitation centers, are envisioned to be built at District, Tehsil, Sub-division and Block levels. Village-level front-ends would be established through Common Services Centres (CSCs) for delivery of services.


Indicative services planned to be delivered through this MMP include:


Certificates: Creation and distribution of certificates for income, domicile, caste, Birth, Death etc.

Public Distribution System (PDS): Issue of Ration Card, etc.

Social Welfare Schemes: Disbursement of old-age pensions, family pensions, widow pensions, etc.

Linking with other e government projects: Registration, Land Records, and Driving Licences, etc.

Information Dissemination: About government schemes, entitlements, etc.

Assessment of taxes: Property tax, and other government taxes.

Utility Payment: Payments relating to electricity, water bills property taxes etc.